Crime continues to skyrocket all across our country. As unemployment and underemployment continues to rise at the same time that inflation begins to pull cash out of our wallets, people are forced to do things they wouldn’t necessarily do. But, they have to pay the mortgage or rent and they have to eat.
Because of this increase in crime, people are looking for stun guns and tasers for sale, along with pepper spray and steel batons. I’m noticing while I’m out and about that more and more people are armed as they go into the mall and the grocery store. I live in Arizona where people can carry handguns on their belts. And, I’m from Texas so I’m accustomed to seeing this. However, more and more I’m seeing people with stun guns and pepper spray in their hands as they walk across the parking lot. Last week, while eating at Chili’s, there was someone with a TASER M26C on their belt. I guess its a sign of the times, but I think its a shame that things have gotten this bad.